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Industry Dynamics: A Lay of the Land

Industry Dynamics: A Lay of the Land

Working in cyber and staying sane requires a healthy sense of accepting our inability to control or understand all the moving parts. This industry is a complex and dynamic field that presents both challenges and opportunities. To navigate this landscape effectively as...
The Cyber PMM of the Future: Vision Series Recap

The Cyber PMM of the Future: Vision Series Recap

Overview I began the Vision series as the starting point for Cyber PMM because I felt strongly that I needed to begin this journey with the end in mind.  I’m not saying I didn’t miss anything or that it won’t evolve over time. But remember the quote I started with...
Becoming Measureable: Vision Part 4

Becoming Measureable: Vision Part 4

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Peter drucker Imagine if you opened Slack or Teams tomorrow (or whichever tool you use), and your CFO randomly asked you to articulate why you exist using clear business metrics and numbers by the end...
Introducing The 5,000 Hour Plan

Introducing The 5,000 Hour Plan

5,000 hours. That’s all you’re getting in 2024. 5,000 waking hours. What will you do with the time that is given to you? I’m introducing the 5,000 Hour Plan to help you answer that question.  Access the 5,000 Hour Plan Template for Free  (You can click File >...