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How it Started

I woke up one day and started writing my thoughts down about my cyber roller coaster ride, and after ten months of this I had ~140,000 words on digital paper. While this was rewarding for therapeutic reasons, I didn’t know what to do with it. I thought, “maybe I could publish this as a book.” That sounded cool at first. Yeah, I’d be an author – good for me. And then I realized – it all starts with knowing your audience. It’s not about me.

I saw all these short forms of content and realized that I would better serve my fellow Cyber PMMs with blog posts, videos, tools, and frameworks that you can actually use to fight against the chaos that we face on a daily basis. So I bought a domain name, began building this blog/website/brand, and that’s how it started.


Helping Cyber PMMs fight digital chaos by creating an open source library of content, frameworks, and tools that bring order to Cyber PMMs and sanity for buyers.  


A world where cyber products and services are accurately represented in a clear, honest, and organized way for the sanity of buyers. 

Dane Disimino

Dane Disimino

Founder of Cyber PMM

Thank you for visiting Cyber PMM – here’s a little about my cyber background. My experience spans the security operations (SecOps) technology Hype Cycle such as SOAR, EDR/XDR, and SIEM with security services experience within the MSS/MDR space. I’ve worked across (in chronological order) Comodo, Optiv, Secureworks, Siemplify, VMware, Cisco and Splunk. I currently work for Splunk as a Principal Product Marketing Manager covering a Security Product Portfolio.

Disclaimer: Cyber PMM opinions are entirely my own and unrelated to my employer’s views.

Topics Covered

  • Cybersecurity Industry Dynamics: Visualizing a lay of the land in cyber, understanding buyer dynamics, assessing the vendor landscape, and how to perform under varying market situations.

  • Your Core Functions as a Cyber PMM: Delivering effective messaging, aligning with product management and engineering, launches, buyer’s journey map, being the voice of the customer, content production, navigating politics, and more.

  • Cyber PMM Productivity: Measuring effectiveness, setting OKR’s and sharing plans, understanding the law of duplicity, managing fire drills, meetings/calls, utilizing AI tools, and getting things done.

  • Cyber PMM Survival Tips: Managing chaos and change, building emotional intelligence, asking for help and collaborating, understanding generational differences, and more.

  • Cross-Functional Marketing Interlocks: Leading without authority, campaigns, content marketing, solutions marketing, technical marketing, competitive intelligence, regional marketing, analyst relations.

  • Leading Without Authority as a Cyber PMM: How to do the impossible and influence and execute when you have no budget and no direct reports.

  • Cyber PMM Training & Education: Pragmatic Marketing, Forrester, Product Marketing Alliance, Podcasts, and Key Influencers.

  • Looking Externally: Navigating the key analyst firms, working with consultancies and agencies, understanding the key industry events, job hunting and employer relations.

  • The Future of Being a Cyber PMM: Building a co-pilot with new AI tools, listing the most in demand skills of the future, designing new team structures, and applying task automation.

What's with the Blue Whale?

The Cyber PMM logo is about creating order out of chaos. I have always loved blue whales, because they ride among the chaotic ocean currents in a trusting way. This is why a blue whale in the shape of a C is the icon of Cyber PMM.